It's funny (not in a humorous way) how life just seems to get busier and busier. Oh well.
Last Saturday I went riding down to Solana Beach with Alex. We got down there and much to our surprise and every other passenger that no trains we running. The ticket counter was open though and selling tickets for a train that would never arrive. Go figure.
This morning I did a brick workout. It's something I haven't done since my IT Band injury last November and something I knew I really needed to get back on track with to be successful racing again. I rode 3 laps around Bonelli Park (22 miles) and then went for a 2 mile run. My word did my legs not transition from bike to run well. I can normally run 4 miles in 30 minutes. I couldn't even hit anything under an 8:40 pace after riding. Brick workouts are something I'm going to have to get back on board with regularly.
I finished medicating the tank last week. I put the crayfish back in the tank once the water cleared up. I had to remove it since the medication can kill invertebrates. One of my platies had babies last week. Platies are livebearers and she had 9 living fry. Out of the 9, 8 are still surviving and growing daily. When they were born the fry were roughly 2 mm long. Today they are around 5-6.
Today is also my 10 year anniversary of getting out of the Marine Corps. Alex and I always see how decrepit the old MCAS El Toro base is now since it was shut down in 1999 and we moved to San Diego. For reminiscing sakes I'm going to go down to visit the old base today. It was my favorite duty station. Now it is home to an RV storage facility and food bank. It's rather sad but nothing can be done with the base because of all of the trichlorethelene (I think that's what it's called) contaminants in the ground. So it just sits and rots away as a ghost town. A mere shell of what it used to be. I'm sure when I visit I'll try and envision the F-18s, Super Cobras, C-130s, etc. taking off and doing training exercises somewhere off the coast and in the surrounding foothills.
1 comment:
Strange how time seems to evoke darker memories. Hope seeing El Toro was not too rough. Today is always my down day ... dad passed away needlessly on June 13, 1971 when the ambulance attendants failed to continue my CPR when they arrived to transport to the hospital (1/2 mile away). His heart attack did not cause the death; he was brain dead upon arrival at BMH due to oxygen deprivation.
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