Sunday, October 25, 2009

What a fiasco!

Alex and I did our monthly ride down toward San Diego yesterday. We should have taken a clue when I drove halfway down to the Anaheim Amtrak station and realized I forgot my riding shoes. I doubled back and finally got down there 45 minutes late. The fog was a little thicker than what Alex would have liked (asthma) but he was alright.

Since his accident 2 weeks ago he's been stiff and I'm sure psychologically it's affected him too. That's fine, so it takes us a little bit longer. No big deal. We arrive at the Las Pulgas gate of Camp Pendleton Marine Base and find out they are turning cyclists around. The bike lanes were closed from Friday to Monday. I'm assuming they were having some sort of exercise and if so, tanks crossing the roads would be have more than a hazard to us. Having been on the other side of the situation for a number of years I understood and was appreciative they thought about our safety.

Alex and I turned around and headed back. We decided to try and catch the Amtrak in San Clemente which was the nearest stop for it in relation to our location. Alex thought briefly about hopping on the 5 fwy and just proceeding but I discouraged that idea big time. 3000 lbs cars traveling at 65 mph and faster vs. 185 lb. dude and a 15 lb. bike. Yeah, it's not in my favor... For some reason Alex stops to check to see where he put his license. He can't find it and has to double back a few miles to the gate looking for it. I was on the phone with my roommate trying to get directions to the San Clemente station and when I finished I doubled back as well. Alex couldn't find it. He canvased the area numerous times and I did a couple as well. Nothing. Just great! Now Alex won't even be able to get on the train. So we both say how the day is just becoming the day from hell. On our way back I spot his license on the ground where he initially stopped to check. When he pulled the banana out of his pocket, the license came out too and he never knew.

Good! I found the license, I get a free lunch sometime and we're back on our way.

We arrive in San Clemente around 1 and find out the the Amtrak won't be there until 4:15. This is not a regular stop on the hour every hour like most of the others. We decide to head north even further to San Juan Capistrano and pick up the train there. After getting some directions along the way we travel a few miles inland and arrive at the train station. We purchase our tickets believing the train will be arriving in 15 minutes.

15 minutes turned into 3 hours and no Amtrak employee ever came out to give us any updates from the ticket office. So, the stories started circulating as people called the 800 number. First it was a disabled train. Second it was 10 people yanked a brake cable and took off in taxis. Then it was a car got hit in the intersection along the way. The second story was false because the train has no brake cable to pull. It turns out the train we rode by had a defective wheel and they stopped it but had to wait to A. get the passengers switched over to another train, B. inspect the track, and C. unclog the mess of waiting trains.

Around 5:30 we were finally on a train. We stopped 3 stations north and waited an hour which should have been "20 minutes". The train crew had to wait for a crew to relieve them since they were not allowed to be operating the train any longer. It was their shift change. After an hour of sitting, we were told to get off the train and go over to the track on the other side where a train would come along to pick us up and take us the remainder of the way. 5 hours and much frustration after burning 4200 calories, not having anything to drink or eat I was finally back at my car. The train ride should have taken 45 minutes...


1 comment:

HumanObservationExperiement said...

this sounds like a complete fiasco! that's how it typically goes when you're just out for a good ride, eh?
Glad you got back ok!