Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Two weeks ago I went out riding on Sunday after having done my brick on Saturday. Don an I took a ride up GMR and went across Glendora Ridge Road to Mt. Baldy Village. It was a 39 mile ride altogether with about half of it climbing through the San Gabriel mountains. The back side of the mountains was so pretty and quiet. We casually went up GMR as to not burn ourselves out for the remaining 13 miles of climbing. We got to the top of GMR in 58 minutes doing a casual pace. We were actually trying not to do it in under an hour. Oh well. lol We managed to keep our descending speed down Mt. Baldy road at 46 mph. The goal was under 50 which takes some work to do.

Last weekend I wanted to get out and do my brick workout Saturday morning and knew I would naturally be up before 7 so I didn't set my alarm. I found out last weekend that if I don't set my alarm, regardless of how early I get up that I will not go ride. Sunday I set my alarm and go figure, I did my brick workout.

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