Sunday, August 8, 2010

Great weekend!

The weekend started out great on Friday riding with Alex after he got off work. We rode up towards the Lytle Creek area and back. The ride was roughly 26 miles. I have never been up that way so it was new and interesting.

Saturday was a great day. I spent most of the day out and about. It's been awhile since I've just gone out and had fun with great company like that. This day was the best day of my weekend.

This morning I got up around 6 after getting back to my place about 2 am. I went and did the mountain loop with Don that we've been doing. We talked about Tucson in November and he's going to participate with Alex and I. That will be fun! We have a new best time for the ride and it's 2:45. I'm feeling much stronger on the hills. I went up the front side of GMR with no difficulty about 2 gears higher than I normally would have been.

I got back after riding, started to get some homework done and pretty much passed out. I didn't realize how tired I actually was until I had to focus on school work. This week is the last week of the term so I finished up the current assignments and will start on my final paper tomorrow. I'll be glad to have that turned in Saturday night.

And now another weekend has come and gone and work arrives once again.

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